Vomo island fiji kids club programs

Three (3) Amazing Kids Club Options at VOMO

VOMO features an incredible Kids Club. With three new unique programs designed for children between 3-10+ years old (depending on the program), there's something to suit every age group instead of kids at very different levels being carved between just two programs, like is the case with most resort kids clubs.
VOMO Kids Village - Easter Edition

The Kids Village Video Channel with Tamani and Siko

These unique times mean we're needing to change the way we do things for a little while at The Kids Village on Vomo Island Fiji. So we've devised a way to still continue on with our Kids Village activities so children at home can still enjoy a taste of Fijian culture and fun activities through the school holidays and beyond.

School Holiday Fun – Colour in VOMO – Downloadable colouring in pages

Kids! #Stayhome and colour in VOMO! The VOMO kids club has some fun things planned while you do the right thing and #stayhome .