With our rescued turtle programme on island, this special day is filled with engaging activities and meaningful moments centred around our commitment to marine conservation. Here’s a glimpse into what our guests enjoy and what you could experience on your next visit in May 2025.

Educational session for little guests. So cute!

Our younger guests participated in a special educational session led by our marine biologist, Laisenia. Children sat wide-eyed as Laisenia shared fascinating insights about sea turtles, their habits, and their challenges – mostly human-caused. Through engaging stories and interactive activities, kids learned why turtles are vital to our oceans and how they can help protect these incredible creatures. They even got to have a little shell pat!

Patting Rescued Baby Turtles. Learning how to be careful with our rescued turtles.

One of the most enchanting moments of the day came when children had the opportunity to interact with our rescued baby turtles. Under Laisenia’s careful supervision, they learned to pat a turtle gently and only on their shells. This hands-on experience delighted our young guests and taught them the importance of handling wildlife with respect and care. They learned that while turtles are friendly, excessive touching can stress them and potentially spread harmful bacteria.

The Importance of World Turtle Day

As guests enjoyed these activities, they also learned about the broader significance of World Turtle Day. This day is a call to action to protect turtles, which have roamed our oceans for over 200 million years but now face severe threats from pollution, habitat loss, climate change, and illegal hunting. Our guests discovered how crucial turtles are to marine ecosystems, helping to maintain healthy seagrass beds and coral reefs, providing habitats for other aquatic life, and balancing marine food webs.

Our Commitment to Conservation

At Vomo Island, Fiji, we are deeply committed to making a difference. Our turtle conservation program focuses on rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing turtles back into the wild. Today’s events are part of our ongoing efforts to raise awareness and foster a deep respect for these remarkable creatures.

Join Us Next Time. We’d love to host you!

Seeing our guests come together to celebrate World Turtle Day is truly inspiring. They are enjoying a luxurious stay and contributing to a vital cause. We invite you to join us for future celebrations and become part of our conservation journey.